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Carers UK responds to Employment Relations (Flexible Working) Act 2023, as it receives Royal Assent

Speaking today, Katherine Wilson, Head of Employment and Specialist Delivery, Carers UK, said:

“Following hot on the heels of the Carer’s Leave Act 2023, which will give unpaid carers the right to up to five days of unpaid leave, the Employment Relations (Flexible Working) Act 2023, will be another gamechanger for working carers. Two million workers, who are also unpaid carers, will benefit from the change when it comes into force. Carers have told Carers UK for years what needs to change so that they feel supported at work and don’t have to give up paid employment, resulting in catastrophic losses of income.

“The ability for unpaid carers – from the first day of their employment – to ask their employer for changes to their working hours, times of work, or place of work will make a real difference to employees who are balancing work and unpaid care. Being able to ask for a different flexible working arrangement more than once a year will be a huge help too. It’s also great news that employees will no longer need to make the case to their employer as to how this could work.

“At Carers UK, we’re so proud of our business forum, Employers for Carers, where leading employers have already put into place measures to support their employees who are also unpaid carers.  Taken together, these two pieces of legislation will make a difference to unpaid carers as well as ensuring employers recruit and retain skilled workers in the workplace.”

Carers UK will be providing updates and resources to help implement the new legislation. Find out how Carers UK can help you and your organisation to support the carers in your workplace:


Source: Carers UK

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