Level 1: Active in addressing carer support
To achieve Level 1 you will be able to show that your organisation:
- Is aware that there are, and will in the future be carers in your workforce and has made a commitment to support them through workplace policies/practice.
- Understands and complies with the legal rights of carers in the workplace.
- Helps staff to recognise themselves as carers and access practical support in the workplace to assist them to combine their work and caring responsibilities.

Level 2: Accomplished in providing carer support
To achieve Level 2 you will be able to show that your organisation:
- Has a process/support in place to help carers identify themselves in the workplace.
- Includes carers in the development of policies/guidance and processes to support carers within the workplace.
- Has well documented policies and/or guidance in place which cover caring/carers.
- Provides a range of practical support for carers in the workplace.
- Communicates support available for carers throughout the organisation.
- Enables carers to feel comfortable in accessing available support both from within and outside the organisation.

Level 3: Ambassador for carer support both internally and externally
To achieve Level 3 you will be able to show that your organisation:
- Demonstrates creative and innovative approaches to supporting and engaging carers as part of an open and positive workplace culture.
- Involves carers in the development of policies/guidance and processes to support carers within the workplace.
- Provides a wide range of information and support for carers at all stages of their caring journey.
- Supports carers at all stages of employment, from recruitment to returning to, or leaving the workplace (e.g. flexible retirement opportunities in the later stages of their career).
- Enables and encourages carers to take up practical support both from within and outside the organisation.
- Equips managers to support and retain carers effectively.
- Actively and regularly communicates and promotes caring issues/carers throughout the organisation including via line managers.
- Champions caring/carers internally and externally, including leading by example within your workplace and to other employers or your supply chain.
Want to know more?
Click here for more details on the Carer Confident criteria.